saya mau ini, saya mau itu

21 07 2010

hadeh, pas pertama beli kamera sih niatnya ga beli yg lain2.. ternyata makin kesini tangan udah gatel pengen beli.. terbatas bgt sih kalo ga punya embel-embelnya..

today’s wish list :
1. tripod
rencananya sih plg pertama beli tripod dului, soalnya gw seneng foto landscape, jadi ini must-have item bgt.. incerannya sih excell ufo-260.. ini gambarnya:

(beuhh.. gagah bgt yak kliatannya?? ckck, dasar foto suka menipu)
kenapa ufo? soalnya udah bs macem2.. udah ada ball head, bs split kakinya, pokoknya fiturnya udah oke bgt deh.. dan harganya jg lbih oke lg.. cuma 470rb, padahal tripod merk lain dgn fitur yg kyk gitu mah pasti di atas 1 jt..
(-) jeleknya, katanya sih kalo sering2 dibawa ke pantai, trus kena air laut, bakal cepet kena korosi kakinya.. trus ballheadnya suka ga kuat gitu nahan beban kamera.. hmm, jadi pilih awet atau murah?
masi cari alternatif lain sih, Benro a150-ex yg harganya lbih mahal, tp katanya sih kualitasnya lbih oke

2. external flash
kalo yg ini pengennya sih yg murah2 aja.. paling yg budget 100-200rb lah @_@
(what sucks about sony, pilihan aksesorisnya dikit bgt.. trus mahal2 lg..)

3. filter macro/IR
ini sih yg ga terlalu urgent lah.. seru sih tapi kalo udah punya ini..
siapa tau ntar bs bikin foto yg begini:

yaaa…. mulai nabung lagiiii

freshy 1 or 2??

28 06 2010

tadaaaa!! notice something different??
yep, as what i wrote before about changing my lousy theme, finally i found one which looks pretty much more attractive
I was looking for something fresher and luckily i found this theme called “freshy”.. actually there’s a newer version of this theme (freshy 2) which can be easily costumized (only very few themes has got those features, so it’ll be a nice experiment :9)

but the thing is……… i don’t understand those steps!! somebody helppp!!!!

*until i find out the way, i would have stucked in this theme..
but it’s better than the old one isn’t it??? cmment please 😀

need some breaktrough!

12 06 2010

well, i think this blog’s getting a bit mossy by the lack of updates. which means i need to get something fresh to stimulate my interest in posting more.
hmm.. probably a new theme will fix this, just wait n see

*postingan ga penting

Hello world!

25 09 2009

my blog has finally hatched
yes! the egg has finally hatched!

yeaaaa.. setelah baca beberapa blog dr tmen” gw, gw jd tertarik buat bikin blog gw sendiri.. hhe..
dimulai dr “dipaksa” ikut speech contest & bikin naskah” pidato yg ribet dan terkadang sedikit munafik.. mulai terlintas di benak gw : “ternyata nulis2 asik jg.. hhe..”
I just fell that this is the right place to spill off my idea and my writing hobby..

hmm.. I’m not going to share any dramatized sad stories.. It’s only about my gifted life, about His kindness in my life, family, friends, and all people around me..

trus…. apa lg ya? bingung.. gitu aja deh buat post perdana.. (ketauan deh blogger amatiran)

JB 🙂