IIMS 2010

3 08 2010

IIMS (Indonesia International Motor Show) 2010 was held from 23th of July ’til 1st of August at Kemayoran.
Actually I finally made it through to go there at 25th if i’m not mistaken, but I really didn’t have a mood to post it here until now.
Hey, I can tell that this was the most happening car show in the town, probably in the country. Started with a mini show of antique cars from year 70’s-80’s, I can’t hold my camera any longer to break free.

play a bit with photoshop, those cars looks pretty antique, eh? pity me, I forgot to take a notes about the detail of those cars. they are ‘conserved’ by an organization called ………… (DAMN! i totally forget)

entering the main hall, i was impressed with the crowd and sparks from those fancy cars. but the first thing which attracted me the most is something, tickling me, which stands right beside me :

if you took a look on the photo above, what do you assume it as?
I hope you would see it as an insane driver who drive a jeep inside the hall, and trying to hit the people. If so, then, my trick was successful and you people are fooled by me!! (please, just pretend to be….)

other shots:

mazda (designedby ryuga) ; louise vuitton award winner, paris.
anyone who design it is just GENIUS!

me with one of transformers’ autobots, Skids!

My photo portfolio (part 2)

26 07 2010

Location : Hotel Sensa, Bandung

Located next to CiWalk, the architecture was extraordinary yet unique! Great rooms with affordable price

iseng motoin jam weker di kamar.. bisa dijadiin alternatif buat bikin foto fish eye jg lhooo!)

teras di lt 3. sayang bgt nih teras ga ngadep ke arah sunset.. i love their furnitures’ color though

up up on the roof

ini sofa-sofa santai yg di deket restonya.. restonya deket sama kolam renang gitu lhoo.. jadi kalo sambil makan bisa ngeliat “pemandangan”.. (lhoo??)

iseng motoin sofanya yg unik, tp ternyata hasilnya cukup oke.. hehe

nyobain efek zoom in..

ini bangunan yg di depan hotelnya.. kayaknya sih udah masuk kawasan ciwalk.. FYI, ciwalk skrg udah beda banget lhoo.. ga tau sih udah lama apa baru. kyknya terakir kali gw kesana biasa aja, skrg jd keren

aduh.. mas2.. lagi giliran jaga kok malah tidur toh yoo?

foto dari teras kecil depan kamar.. lantai 7
untung orang2nya ngga nyada ==”

iseng aja ini

pas lagi breakfast.. makanannya macem2.. sayangnya lupa difoto2in.. padahal mw belajar food photoghraphy @_@

cuma inget foto 1 makanan.. dan itupun udah dimakan sebagian.. Yikes!

Please leave comments 😀

aftertaste : sorcerer’s apprentice

21 07 2010

while I’m browsing about the movie sorcerer’s apprentice, I found this movie cover. Is this a kind of a remake?

Today, I & some of my pals supposed to watch inception, AGAIN…. fortunatelly, it was such a perfect timing that we found “sorcerer’s apprentice’ on the now showing list! it was a total coincidence, just like what nicolas cage said to the kid on the film (for those of you who have watched it). It’s not a very important scene, really, but it’s the beginning of all the main story. Meanwhile it was also the end of Balthazar Blake’s quest of finding the prime Melrinian (or the one who inherited the power of the legendary wizard, Merlin) which was discovered an 10-year-old ordinary boy named Dave Stutler. Shortly, balthazar gave the kid a ring, Merlin’s own, which was firstly considered as the source of the mythical power of him.
While Balthazar search on a magic book, Dave touched a layered doll with picture of a bearded man on it, and accidentally broke the first layer. Since each layer of the doll functioned as a seal of evil sorcerers, the first sorcerer was set free. It was Balthazar’s best friend, Horvath, who firstly betrayed Merlin and his apprentices. Horvath had a mission to destroy the last layer which sealed the power of marvelous yet diabolic sorcerer, Morgana, who tried to cast ‘the rising’; a spell which can resurrect all the deaths, and use them as a slave.
Then the days of preparing the prime merlinian to restrain morgana’s evil plan was started..

the first thing of this walt disney picture’s film which caught my attention was the main character, Balthazar, which played by hollywood star, Nicolas Cage. the others looks like fresh actor/actresses for me, such as Jay Baruchel (as Dave), Alfred Molina (as Horvath), and many more. I kind of like the way disney played with those effects of plasmas, fire, and all those transformation, from antique car to a fabulous sport cars and those steel eagles. The story was okay, but like any other disney movies, they mix all the humors, fantasy, and a bit action into one, and the ending was pretty much predictable. after all, it was entertaining enough for me 😀

when did i get so into it?

12 07 2010

bbrp postingan belakangan, gw bnyk ngepost soal hasil2 jepretan gw. dimulai dari jepretan” asal tapi menyenangkan, fotografi mulai gw masukin dlm list ‘things to do’ yg kudu banget gw pelajarin pas liburan ini dan kalo bs seterusnya sih..

nah kmaren ini gw baru dikasi tau kalo neummat (tmpt les fotografi gitu) lagi ngadain workshop basic photography gratis! (cina mode) dan gw sangat sangat berminat untuk ikut.. yaaah itung2 dapet pengalaman baru gitu..
sayangnya workshop yang paling cucok tanggalnya sm kalender kuliah gw cuma 1, yg di kemang jaksel.. padahal gw udah ngarep bgt bisa ikut workshop yg di SIS klapa gading yg brarti ga perlu ribet2 mikirin transport.. secara rumah di bekasi T_T
jujur gw sih blom pernah ke kemang seblomnya (katro ya?? whatever.. )

singkat cerita, gw ngajakin bnyk tmen2 gw yg juga minat di bidang ini.. niat lhoo, sampe bikin notes di fb + tag” in.. tp ujung-ujungnya pada ga jadi daftar.. alhasil, gw kesana sendiri, tanpa seorangpun menemani @_@.. sedihnya..

hari pertama gw kesana, ternyata kelasnya itu jauh di luar perkiraan. gw ngira kalo yg ngikut kelasnya itu banyakan anak” sekolah/kuliahan gitu (apalagi kan skrg kamera slr lg ‘in’ bgt), ternyata kebanyakan muridnya sudah pantas saya panggil om/tante ==”
pengajarnya sih pro kyknya.. dia orang dr femina & kyknya udah cukup terkenal sbgai seorang juru foto.. katanya sih dia udah keliling dunia gratis gara2 foto-foto.. ih waw bikin sirik
hari pertama sih masih yg dasar2 bgt.. hari kedua mulai diajarin teknik2 pake shutter speed aperture, dll..
ntar hari ke 4-5 kita bakalan hunting ke bunderan HI + sunda kelapa.. hmm sounds nice..
oke sgitu dulu aja.. ntar kalo hasil huntingnya udah keluar gw post lg deh.. hahahaha

my photo portfolio

2 07 2010

As I said before on my previous post, I’ve got some good pictures taken in Bangka, and here are the results :

talent : Stephanie Eka Widjaya

Talent : Stephanie Eka Widjaya

Comments for improvements is highly expected 😀

Bangka dangerous (part 1)

29 06 2010

howdy, some of you may’ve related this title with a film published few years ago “bangkok dangerous”, but don’t ever expect any thrilling or serial intense gunfire, really, there’s nothing to do with it..

well, actually there’s no such a link from that movie to the post i’d begin shortly.. I’d like to share some of my story & portfolio while i was in bangka for 4 days, and i don’t know why, the post title just suddenly emerge on my mind..
hmmmm.. perhaps it’s because of the name; BANGKOK —> BANGKA
(it doesn’t sound that close, eh?)

it was my first visit to this exotic tropical island.. from what i heard before, bangka is another paradise isle of ours.. i was imagining of an island which is similar to Bali or Lombok, because i’ve been there and you just couldn’t stand to stay away from those captivating beaches..
unfortunatelly, those imagination was tumbled down in a sudden as i firstly step on the bangka’s only airport.. all the way i see, it’s only a dry land with ray of sun directly stabbing through my skin

probably i’m just over excited with those story i’ve heard about this ‘heavenly’ island.. i’ve charged the battery of my camera until it’s 100% full; expecting a great panorama of beaches in bangka waiting to be captured.. all i see it was a row of greenie-yellowish trees with a lot of land which was not maintained well.. it was a de javu to my trip to batam few years ago, yeah it was pretty similar..
i keep grumbling on my self on the way leaving the airport and began to worried about being trapped and fed up for 4 days in this island of no escape..

something catch my attention a little when i entered the core of the city. most of the buldings there are semi-skyscrapper building with at least 4-storey and the highest i saw was probably 7-8 storey.. the low storey are generally used for business/living purpose and the rest are being holed so then those swallow can get in an build their nests inside.. i was pretty suprised that those bird would bear in the middle of town’s crowd; or i can also reverse the sentence; why do those people can stand those piercing tweets?? hmm, i guess, for the umpteenth time, money rules! i’ve just found out that a kilos of those swallow’s saliva, which is used by them to stick the nest, worth about 12 million rupiahs.. hmmmm, tempting..

(to be continued)

*all animated emotions are taken from kaskus.us

intro : liburrr (from the best to the worst)

26 09 2009

there’s nothing impossible in this world
yup.. itu salah satu prinsip yg gw pegang selama ini, karena gw yakin bahwa gw punya Tuhan yg luar biasa!!
tp akhir2 ini gw sendiri mulai meragukan prinsip itu.. sbenernya sih cuma gara” hal yg sepele.. sangat sepele bahkan –“.. jadi begini ceritanya :

seperti yang kita semua tau saudara-saudara, kmaren ini umat muslim di negara kita sedang merayakan hari lebaran.. meskipun saya bukanlah seorang muslim, tapi saya turut merasakan sukacita yang luar biasa, yaituuuu LIBURAAAANNN!!
kali ini liburannya Bukan Libur Biasa (BLB), soalnya jarang” ada libur panjang kyk gini (11 hr gtu lhoo..), tp sayangnya BLB nya ada ++ nya.. (sebenernya sih minus mustinya).. tidak lain dan tidak bukan, PR a.k.a pekerjaan rumah
grr.. guru2 pada ga bs liat murid seneng x y?
pertama2 sih cuma dikasi pr mat doang 30 soal.. masih oke lah.. paling se-jam jg selesai..
ternyata masih ada teman2nya.. yaitu kimia, praktikum fisika, essai TOEFL, dan pr TO dr bimbel!! (FYI, gw les di salah satu bimbingan belajar di kalimalang (baca: inten))
– pr kimia gw jg ga jelas disuruh ngapain.. katanya sih disuruh bikin pertanyaan.. blakangan aja
– praktikum fisika, disuruh bikin alat apa gitu (kalo ga salah seismograf sederhana) pokoknya yg ini lumayan
aman.. gw masuk klompok ank2 cewe yg lumayan rajin.. pasti beres lah.. wkwk
– TOEFL.. disuruh bikin essay ttg “children at the climate change” 500 kata.. gw ga masuk pas pelajarannya..
denger” sih, itu nanti yg bagus2 bakalan dilombain buat lomba di Sweden.. hmm.. mnarik jg
– tugas TO inten.. 100 soal paket “komplit” (mat, kim, fis, bio, BI, inggris)

salah satu sifat buruk gw, yg plg gw benci jg.. I’m totally a procrastinator.. yg penting liburannya dipuas2 in dulu.. hari terakhir baru mikirin tugas (ga pernah belajar dr pengalaman)..

(to be continued)