
26 08 2010

Howdy! It’s been a long time since the last time i open this bloggy things

Finally i can sign in again. Since my dorm didn’t have any cost-free wifi and i have to make the monthly expenses pretty strict, so think i’ll just write a short post.

Last week was exhausting. Orentation; those process of making us official as new student. If you read some of my post before, you’ll find that i attending a one of public university in Jogja. Anxiety of losing family, friends, and other bunch of comfort attacked me at the first place. Start living on my own.I couldn’t imagine that i had to control my own money-spend, make up my own room, carry every responsibility on my own shoulder. Yes, i really was a too i-want-my-momma boy, so this was a nice shock theraphy.

Living apart of parents aren’t that bad though. instead, i just taste the real flavour of freedom. Surely you know what i mean.. the only bad thing i can remember is just i have to quarrel with some unwanted guests (read : ants) which always comes first before i get home and stealing my stocks of consumption.
I don’t know how long this freedom will last, probably will be replaced with a severe home-sick later. I just need to enjoy it right now.

See you on the next post shortly

IIMS 2010

3 08 2010

IIMS (Indonesia International Motor Show) 2010 was held from 23th of July ’til 1st of August at Kemayoran.
Actually I finally made it through to go there at 25th if i’m not mistaken, but I really didn’t have a mood to post it here until now.
Hey, I can tell that this was the most happening car show in the town, probably in the country. Started with a mini show of antique cars from year 70’s-80’s, I can’t hold my camera any longer to break free.

play a bit with photoshop, those cars looks pretty antique, eh? pity me, I forgot to take a notes about the detail of those cars. they are ‘conserved’ by an organization called ………… (DAMN! i totally forget)

entering the main hall, i was impressed with the crowd and sparks from those fancy cars. but the first thing which attracted me the most is something, tickling me, which stands right beside me :

if you took a look on the photo above, what do you assume it as?
I hope you would see it as an insane driver who drive a jeep inside the hall, and trying to hit the people. If so, then, my trick was successful and you people are fooled by me!! (please, just pretend to be….)

other shots:

mazda (designedby ryuga) ; louise vuitton award winner, paris.
anyone who design it is just GENIUS!

me with one of transformers’ autobots, Skids!

I found it!

2 08 2010

I love true blood since the first time i saw it on TV!
yes, i know that the series is most likely being watched by girls (just as twilight), but I I just love the ‘supernatural’ things inside it. The way sookie read other’s mind, the mysteries, and those pros and cons of social life that 180 degrees-ly changed because of the emergence of vampires.

One of my habit, probably the worst, is putting things anywhere without considering about the consequences. You can guessed what happened next; yep, I lost my lovely true blood dvds which I bought it myself for about 50k rupahs. I had been looking for it and observing almost every corner of the house but i just couldn’t seem to find any clues about it. I knew that my mom’s is a tidyness freak who would take everything which is not supposed to be there, and keep it in any place wherever she like, as long as it doesn’t distract her view of tidyness.
I had ever experienced this once. at that time I thought I put it on the TV in her rooms, and it was always there for a long time, but one day when i wanted to watch it, i saw nothing on it. And when i found it, you just couldn’t imagine how happy i was.
This time was different. I did it JUST THE SAME WAY with the first time i found it, but i got nothing. I have been searching for it for about a week. I tried to think out of the box by searching in any places which people would consider it impossible. Toilets, under the bed, and between stacks of old newspaper (If you were me, would you?). but still, I found nothing.

I was so optimistic by my wit at first, but ended by awfull pessimistic. I have tried almost every methodes. pray? yes I have. but nothing seemed to result something. I gave up, deffenselessly. I just felt very wasteful of my time by searching something that might not be found, grumbling, and blaming my mom deep inside my heart; judged that everything’s her fault.

I started to let go, and tried to forget about the ‘incident’ which made me stop watching true blood series forever, eventhough the 3rd season’s being aired on TV. I had lost so many episodes that i knew I would miss a big piece of it.

Just a few days ago, when i tried to clean up the mess in my room and the scraps from the school, I found 2 dvds between my subject books. the first one is kick ass, another one, suprisingly, true blood.. I didn’t know what to feel. I found it guilty instead of feeling happy. Since it was found in my room, so it must have been caused by my own sense of sloppyness.

I was ashame of myself, I tried to feeling unguilty by positioning others as the suspect of my own fault.

Maybe I’m overexposing things. dvds are just simple things. but when i thought about it again and again. This has become another valuable lesson of life that probably let to happen. for now on, (I hope) things wouldn’t go wrong by me, literally, LOL..